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Online On Demand Learning

Topic Speaker CE / CPD Hours Cost Additional Information
Neurology of an Adjustment


Dr. John Fossey MChiro PGCert DACNB DC (UK) 1.5 £30 Chiropractic is so much more than restoring motion. John takes you on a journey around the neurology of the chiropractic adjustment in a way that makes us think about all the elements we can forget reminding us why the chiropractic adjustment is so important.
Cranial Nerves


Dr. John Fossey MChiro PGCert DACNB DC 2 £40 Cranial nerves and their consideration in the animal patient are important but often overlooked. In this talk we look at how we might assess them in the canine patient and how that might enrich our management.
Canine Conditioning and Rehabilitation


Dr. Zoe Freedman MChiro PGCert MSc FRCC DC (UK) 7.5 £280 plus postage charge based on geographical location Canine conditioning and rehab, tissues and healing, neurology, nutraceuticals, chiropractic considerations for the geriatric, rehab hygiene, warming up and cooling down, rehab planning and vestibular management lectures are included along with poster and handout downloads and some exercise idea examples.
Canine Geriatric Treatment Considerations


Dr. Zoe Freedman MChiro PGCert MSc FRCC DC (UK) 2 £40 The geriatric canine is often overlooked in lecture presentations even though that cohort forms a large part of our clinical practice. This lecture covers some unique components to consider when assessing and treating the geriatric canine patient and discusses ideas that might make you tweak how you engage with this population.
Equine Rehab with Focus on Kissing Spines


Dr. Samantha Kingdon MBSc (Hons) PGCert PDAC DC (UK) 2 £40 Rehabilitation for the equine patient is important for many owners as part of their treatment package. Kissing spines is relatively common and therefore, some rehabilitation information is useful for case management.
Equine Joint Injections – Information for the animal chiropractor


Edward Busuttil DVM (Malta) 1.5 £30 Although chiropractic is an approach concerned with hands on drug free care it is vital for those practitioners treating equines who are being co-managed with or have historically had joint injections, to understand the mechanisms that this involves. Edward talks us through these to provide information relevant to clinical practice.

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About the speakers

John Fossey

John Fossey is a chiropractor in the UK. Originally from the Channel Islands, John relocated to the UK in the 1980s completing training in 1982 to become a physical therapist. After working for some time in professional sport John trained as a chiropractor at the AECC, Bournemouth. After completing his animal chiropractic training, he then went on to undertake further training in neurology making him eligible for the American Chiropractic Neurology Board exams which he dually passed. As you would imagine, John has a great interest in neurology and it’s practical application to the animal world.

Zoe Freedman

Zoe graduated alongside John at the AECC, Bournemouth. Over the past two decades she has worked in private practice focusing on her two passions of paediatrics and animal chiropractic. After working with the Royal College of Chiropractors, Zoe created additional Essentials elements to allow UK chiropractors and veterinarians to achieve higher level qualifications in animal chiropractic. Zoe has a small animal practice with a focus on canine wellness, rehabilitation and post-operative care.

Samantha Kingdon

Sam is an exceptional and vastly experienced animal chiropractor. Upon graduation 20 years ago, Sam had already planned her animal chiropractic path. Sam attended Options for Animals USA under the guidance of Dennis and Heidi and has never looked back. A veteran carriage driver and having grown up in an equine rich rural environment, Sam has worked with horses for most of her life. Sam lectures alongside Zoe and John at Options for Animals UK as well as running her own multi practitioner office in the south of England.

Edward Busuttil

Edward is a Maltese veterinarian based near Brighton UK. After completing his veterinary training he travelled extensively throughout Europe and the USA in order to hone his skills. He completed the Essentials in Animal Chiropractic in the UK before going on to start his own comprehensive equine business. This has expanded rapidly in recent years leading to more learning and travelling.

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