Options for Animals – UK (OFAUK) Programme Unit Assessments & Assignments:
OFAUK is currently the only Recognised & Accredited Education Provider with the Register of Animal Musculoskeletal Practitioners (RAMP)
OFAUK has three exit points to suit a range of educational needs.
The five module essentials programme plus cases assignments leads to:
Professional Certificate Animal Chiropractic (PCAC)
Equivalent learning to 60 M level credits
Licentiate level Royal College of Chiropractors
All of the above plus assignments
Professional Diploma Animal Chiropractic (PDAC)
Equivalent learning to 120 M Level Credits
Membership level Royal College of Chiropractors
All of the above plus a case study / dissertation
Master Practitioner Animal Chiropractic (MPAC)
Equivalent learning to 180 M Level Credits
Fellowship Level Royal College of Chiropractors
Additional component learning is now included in the essentials course.